
發佈: 2019.04.18
文: MS

KFC可說是從小吃到大的連鎖快餐店,與麥當勞一樣,充滿童年的回憶,最近肯德基爺爺Colonel Harland Sanders在KFC官方Instagram轉了新形象,他變成一個虛擬肌肉型男KOL,更像現實用戶一樣定期上載生活照,奇怪又搞笑。隨着權力遊戲(Game of Thrones)推出首映,廣告公司奧美(Ogilvy)更創作了創意廣告,令人耳目一新,看了KFC的廣告,不禁佩服創意團隊的創意,也令小編想趁週末,好好吃一頓炸雞!


1. Hot & Spicy

KFC的炸雞一向是辣和脆口,而Hot & Spicy更是KFC其中一個招牌口號。在這個廣告中,奧美香港創意團隊發現炸雞脆口的質感和顏色與現實中的火焰很相似,吃炸雞時,每口也像火焰般火辣。於是創作出3個以炸雞取代火焰的相片,包括太空穿梭機、高速賽車和英雄。



這個"Hot & Spicy"廣告結果獲得2018 Cannes Lions 金奬、 D&AD "wood pencil"、 Spikes Asia "Silver Spike" 奬項。也是Adweek 2018年其中一個最佳的廣告。

最近,為了迎接權力遊戲(Game of Thrones)的首映,更加入龍焰(Dracarys)的一幕,令一眾影迷瘋狂起來。



2. The KFC Finger 

吃KFC的雞時會弄髒雙手,因此一般會戴上膠手套,但想用電話時又不太方便,怕油會沾到手機上。因此奧美新加坡創意團隊想出製造一隻KFC的手指,顧客可以一邊吃炸雞,一邊用KFC手指來觸控使用手機,不論是刷手機、發訊息也沒有難度。這個廣告與KFC的口號是finger linkin good互相呼應,除了好吃得舔手指外,也finger clickin good, click得好!



3. Edible Wrapper

KFC的The Double Down由肉製成,上下沒有麵包夾住,吃上去肉汁沾手,十分狼狽,於是奧美香港(Ogilvy Hong Kong)在2018年為KFC設計了一個可以吃掉的包裝(Edible Wrapper),既環保,又方便。包裝上更印有不同句子,十分過癮,如「滋味係吮完手指,食埋張紙」、「唔停得口,就食到一紙不留」、「紙有雞味,雞又好味」、「Sorry. Trays are still not edible(對不起,托盤仍不能食用)」。




4. Colonel Sanders

最近,肯德基爺爺Colonel Sanders轉了新造型,在Instagram變成了一位時尚肌肉型男,但保持銀白頭髮和鬍子的形象。他是一個虛擬人物,在虛擬世界,他像平凡人一樣上傳近況,如去做gym 、坐私人飛機、煮食等。他的私人飛機名叫eagle(鷹), 又稱為 big chicken(巨雞)。他的腹中更有紋身,寫着secret recipe for success(譯:成功的秘密食譜)。當中不少帖子其實都是和其他品牌合作的廣告。



I talk a lot about spiritual and emotional well-being and how to be successful, but another big part of being successful and emotionally and spiritually good is being physically good by going to the gym. Gotta sweat it out and push myself to be the best I can be. And you should too. Hit the gym at least once a day like me. Feels great to find something more within yourself—it’s life affirming. Going to the gym is part of my #secretrecipeforsuccess. #gym #gymselfie #ad #beyourbestself #friedchicken #advice #success #entrepreneur #behindthecurtain #keys #respect #inspiration #positive #positivethoughts #artistatwork #gymlife #fitness #fitfam #dreamteam

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#ad On the eagle aka the big chicken aka my private jet. Just finished my taxes... And got a refund! Thanks to @turbotax 🙌 Tax day is coming up, so you better get on yours too. I used TurboTax Live and so should you. Real CPAs and EAs help you with your taxes from basically anywhere. From the comfort of your couch or if you’re waiting for a private jet. Lol. They’ve got tax experts ready to answer all your tax questions. That got me and my media guy Brian thinking that we should do an AMA ‘cause I’ve got all this time on my hands now thanks to TurboTax Live. My AMA will kinda be like how TurboTax Live answered my questions about my taxes. But I can’t help you with taxes. I can just answer important questions about chicken and life. Being willing to take good advice from experts is part of the #secretrecipeforsuccess. #adultingwins #taxday #heresyourchance #ama #secretrecipeforsuccess #turbotax #taxes #friedchicken #friedchickentattoo #advice #success #entrepreneur #behindthecurtain #keys #jetlife #thebigchicken #respect #inspiration #positive #positivethoughts #artistatwork #brian #guru #worktravel #workfromanywhere #influencerlife

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#ad Self-care is really important. It’s a cliche, but it’s true that when you look good you feel good. And @oldspice definitely helps me look good and feel good. I use Moisturize with Shea Butter Body Wash ’cause #menhaveskintoo. Then I use beard oil to get my beard luscious and patently Colonel. Take some space for self-care, so you look good, then you feel good, then you are more good with yourself, then you can go get your dreams. Like starting an international series of chicken restaurants. Small things like self-care have a huge impact on beard confidence and beard look, which has a huge impact on your goals. That’s why self-care is such an important part of the #secretrecipeforsuccess and it will help you achieve your goals too. #beardhealth #protip #ad #selfcare #beard #taketimeforyourself #artistatwork #lookgoodfeelgood #thisishowyoudoit #friedchicken #advice #success #entrepreneur #behindthecurtain #keys #respect #inspiration #positive #positivethoughts #artistatwork #grooming #clean #shave #mensgrooming #virtualcolonel

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Check it out, fried chicken fam. Not only did I turn myself into a digital, computer-generated influencer, I also got some ink. The one and only @misterctoons gave me this amazing tattoo. I feel like I am both the canvas and inspiration for this beauty. Always try to inspire like I do when I’m making amazing fried chicken. Inspiration is part of my #secretrecipeforsuccess. Stay tuned to my IG to see more from my virtual life, and I’ll also be dropping some wisdom that I call the #secretrecipeforsuccess to help you achieve your dreams. #secretrecipeforsuccess #likeminded #friedchicken #friedchickentattoo #entrepreneur #behindthecurtain #keys #respect #inspiration #positive #positivethoughts #artistatwork

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